Saturday, October 10, 2009

Boys and Girls are Different

Today's lesson is that boys and girls are different! I know you're surprised-- I certainly was. Mom and dad's water main broke so all of the brothers were helping dig in the dirt to find and then repair the pipe. MAN! did they dig. Finding a worm, my sister in law took the opportunity to introduce a new experience to her daughter. "This is a worm," she told her. "Would you like to hold it?" Then she put the worm in her hand and let her sit in her lap.

I saw no coaching. She picked up the worm without grimacing and put it in her daughters hand to look at. At first there was no reaction in the little girl. She was curious and held it up when I asked her what she was holding. Things went bad for the worm, however, once he started to explore up her arm and onto her jacket. Very quickly the worm was called "Yucky!" and given back to her mom. Only then did mom say, “I don't want to hold it either, yuck.”

Yes, boys and girls are different. My sister is now expecting a little brother for this little girl. We both chuckled that soon he'll be chasing the sister and mom will be chasing him! Little boys don't think worms are "Yucky".

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The End of One, the Start of Another

Today I got to take pictures at Brittney's Wedding! She and Doug are so happy. It's so great. The wedding was beautiful! Perfect weather-- okay, a little rain, but cool not cold, overcast but not dark (perfect for photography). She was gorgeous, he cleaned up good too. :) I cried. Why? I guess it's because it was the end of an era. Russ and Brittney were together for such a long time, I already claimed her in my heart as my sis. But now she and Doug get to start this new era together. I'm just glad he didn't seem to mind this other sister hanging around taking pictures :)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Family Home Evening @ Eileen's

Usually FHE is at Leanne's House, but since they were taking their daughter up to work up at camp for the Boy Scouts, we got to play at Eileen and Mike's. We had our usual "Break the Fast" dinner and then our lesson. Here we are singing songs. You'll love the actions. After the lesson and after dinner was cleared away a bit, we got to do an activity. This month's activity: SOFTBALL! We've got some pretty awesome players on our family team-- watch out!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Sam

Whoa! Sam you're getting old, man. What is it, 24 now? Who would have thought a year ago that you'd be married so happily now? Congrats you two and best wishes for the next year of your lives.

Harrisons Come to Town (and Katelyn's Hat)

Okay, so technically all of these things happened on Sam's Birthday- I mean, is there a better reason to get together??-- but I wanted him to have his own post for his birthday. The Harrisons, Jared's friends from the Mission in England, were here from 'across the pond'. So we got to catch up and say hello! It's always fun to see them.
While we were thus celebrating, Katelyn decided to steal the show by finding a hat (she's really into putting ANYTHING on her head and declaring it "hat") and proceeding to walk around with it covering her eyes. Kimber says she does it with laundry baskets too. I remember my little brothers walking around with stuff over their heads so they couldn't see where they were going. Must be a kid thing--- But what is the attraction? Grandma had her hands full keeping her from bouncing off the walls. The rest of us were lauging too hard.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Memorial Day 2009

Yay! So the whole family got together at Mom and Dad's for a traditional Talbot Breakfast. I'm stiff from riding with Russ on Saturday but none the worse for wear. Too bad you can't see my wicked tan. I want you to know, Katelyn really did climb up to the 4 Wheeler on her own. She really does like it. Also, Memorial Day was her first outdoor swing experience. She LOVED it! Looking at these pictures... well I take a lot of her, but she's just so dang cute. It's fun to watch her eat dandylions and to see Kimber try to stop her. Haha. It's facinating to watch her explore this big world around her. Happy Memorial Day.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Jared's Graduation RIDE!

Jared Graduated from Weber State University. YAY!!!!! Rather than spend all day with pomp and circumstance, Jared decided he wanted to go 4 wheeling. Mom really wanted to see him "Walk" so they struck a bargain. We'd go Riding and Jared would "Walk" for us. :D I got some kazoos (membranaphones to those of us with learning and sophistication), Uncle Steve directed, and we all sang pomp and circumstance while Jared did his walk of honor. Talk about memories.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

F - A - S - T Sunday

Sunday Started with my taking pictures for dad to put in his ward's newsletter. This is so much fun. I get to use my camera to see the world around me and living in an orchard-- I find it is a BEAUTIFUL WORLD!
It's also the Sunday before Mother's Day. I really wanted to help my cousin's make a neat Mother's Day present for their mom's so we went into the orchard (full of blossoms) and took their pictures. SOO much fun. My cousins are such a blast! I love being with them. And talk about good looking!
My mom's family has a tradition on the first Sunday of every month. All of her siblings meet together at my aunt's house and we break our fast together. (Fast Sunday) This sunday I was met at the door by all of my aunts and cousins wearing Hawaiian Lei's and singing Happy Birthday! What a surprise!!! A milestone birthday is coming up for me and they were helping this lil hawaiian girl celebrate. My cousin, Adam who served a mission in New Zealand even performed a Maori Dance--with his little boy's help (both wearing their Lava-Lava's). It was great!!! So special. What a family!

Friday, May 1, 2009

My Cute Neighbors

I got to shoot some family photos for my cute cute neighbors before their eldest son left on his Mission. Their family is so cute and it was fun to spend some time with them.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Oh! what fun. Okay, so she's not walking on her own yet... but she's close... SOO CLOSE! It was so much fun to take her around to find the MILLION or so eggs Aunt Elaine hid for her grandkids. (thanks so much for inviting us too!!!) Katelyn's favorite was a metalic blue one she found. We almost couldn't get her to let go of it. She still has to ask help to open the eggs, but she does know that there is a treat in each one. What a smart girl!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Promontory Point

Well, Grandpa Talbot got a new Rhino!!! So of course we just HAD to help him celebrate. Who says you can't have fun after 85?! Oh what a blast that was! We rode out to the spiral Jetty and then out on the Salt Flats. Poor Cupid thought he'd take a drink of the lake--decided he didn't like it much though. I had no idea the Great Salt Lake went out so far North!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Guess who is ONE!?

Yup, here is the birthday girl enjoying her treat.

My Favorite People, Places, and things