Yes, that really is my THUMB! The largest bladder stone was larger than the tip of my thumb from thumb nail up. There were 5 stones but the fifth one didn't fit in the frame. The three smallest were about the same size. Poor Baby! He came through the surgery okay though. Now we just have to teach him how to use his artificial ACL. Right now he holds that leg straight as if it were a piece of wood attached at the body. So sad.
I love your blog! I am so glad that Cupid is going to be ok! Lots of TLC!
I am so glad that cupid came through the surgery alright. I have been thinking about you and cupid alot and praying that everything would go alright. I love you both.
I found you and I am so excited to keep up with you. I am so sorry for Cupid, but it is good to know you are doing well.
Shanna (Priest) Wiscombe
Leilani!! I'm so glad you found me on here. It's a fun way to keep in touch!!
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